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WTF is a Gravity Bong ,and How to make one

There comes a time when you’ll be ready to light up, bud in hand ,and realize that you don’t have anything to smoke with, not even rolling papers. Fortunately, most cannabis enthusiasts are incredibly resourceful when it comes to innovative ways to smoke and aren’t one to take no for an answer.If you fall into this category, a simple gravity bong may be just what you need. But for the unfamiliar, what, exactly, is a gravity bong? And more importantly, how can you ONE?


The typical gravity bong is composed of just three parts: a plastic bottle with the bottom cut out, a bowl for your flower, and a container of water large enough to fit the bottle.

The bottle is mostly submerged in the water, the bowl is lit, and as the bottle is raised from the water, gravity pulls the water down and out of the bottle (hence the name, gravity bong). As the water exits the bottle, it creates a vacuum, which draws thick, hot smoke into the bottle.

Remove the cap and bowl, place your lips on the top opening, then gently push the bottle back into the water. The smoke will essentially be force-fed into the lungs, resulting in a painful yet intensely intoxicating experience.

Unlike a regular bong which relies on the force of a users inhale to generate smoke, the top portion of a gravity bong must be lifted out of the water by hand (using the gravity of the water) to fill with smoke, hence the bong’s name. Gravity bongs are low-quality substitutes and should never be used long term in place of a bong made from heat-safe materials.


First, You’ll need to cut some plastic off the Smaller Bottle. Use a knife or scissors to carefully cut the bottom part of the smaller bottle off. The larger the top half is, the more smoke it can hold.

Cut the larger bottle in half and toss the top out so that you’re left with a plastic bucket. The bucket needs to be deep enough for the top to be submerged down to the neck without touching the bottom.

Finally, carve a hole in the bottle cap(smaller bottle) with a thin knife or scissors and place an aluminum foil to form a bowl. Poke holes so the smoke can travel into the smaller bottle. If you completed every step we mentioned, your gravity bong is ready for use.


Now that you made your very own smoking device, it’s time to try it out! Using a gravity bong is a very simple process:

  1. First, fill the bottom container with water and pack your bowl with the bottle cap unscrewed—this is key. If you pack the bowl while screwed on the bottle, the force of the water will throw your weed everywhere. Yes, beware.
  2. Submerge the smaller bottle in the water and hold it there with one hand while screwing on the packed bowl with the other.
  3. Light the herb and slowly pull the bottle upwards, but never let the open bottom fully leave the water. The bottle will fill with delicious smoke.
  4. Unscrew the cap with the bowl and inhale while pushing the bottle back down into the water. The smoke will be forced out, so be prepared for a huge hit.